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Christmas Little ballers

Progressive Passing

Activity 1:

Rock, Paper, Scissors - winners & losers

10 mins


Teaching Points:


Swat the Wasp

Activity 2:

15 mins


Teaching Points:


Activity 3:


15 mins


  1. Mark out a long rectangle with a norrow end zone at each end, and enough space behind the sidelines for canonball throwers to throw from

  2. All players are to line up on one of the end zones

  3. Choose one player to be the canonballer. Their job is to throw the dodgeballs at the players when they run across the area. They must throw the balls from outside the sidelines!

  4. At the start of the game, the coach is to call out different instructions for the players to cross, such as 'anyone wearing a red t-shirt' or 'anyone whose birthday is in January, February or March' etc.

  5. Anyone that is called out in those instructions has to try and cross to the other side. If they get there, they have to stay there until all players have had the chance to cross.

  6. If a player is hit by a dodgeball, they join the canonballer and get themselves a dodgeball.

  7. When everyone has had the chance to cross, repeat the process back to the other side.

  8. The game continues until everyone has been eliminated. The final player to be eliminated is the winner.

Teaching Points:


  • Markers/Cones

  • Dodgeballs

Activity 4:

Football Matches

20 mins


  1. Mark out a football pitch (or pitches) with a relevant size for the number of players per team
  2. Pick your teams
  3. Give teams bibs or a kit etc
  4. Explain the basic rules that they will need to follow
  5. Play
  6. Complete a set of round robin fixtures or similar

Teaching Points:

  • Aim of the game is to work together to get the ball into the opponents goal while keeping it away from your own.
  • Teach children how to restart the game when the ball goes out of play (goal kicks, throw ins, corners etc)






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